The prevention of prostatitis

Prevention of prostatitis in men is the need of the day today, because from 30 to 50% of the representatives of the stronger sex, one way or another suffer from this disease.

Common preventive action when it divided into:

  • the primary, which focus on how to draw attention to the occurrence of prostatitis;
  • secondary, are intended for those who discovered this disease and to whom it is necessary to prevent its transition into the chronic phase.
man does exercises on the floor

Primary prevention of prostatitis

Often prostatitis leads to stagnant processes, arising in the prostate gland. It is not well enough to wash the blood itself, and therefore poorly supplied with oxygen. This leads to a deterioration of the functioning of the prostate. So men who have a large amount of time spend in a seated position, exposed to great risk. For the prevention of prostatitis they need to perform the exercises. Contribute to the inflow of the blood, which leads to improvement of muscle tone of the stomach, normalize the secretory activity.

The most simple exercise that you can do to prevent prostatitis — that reduce muscle of the rectum. For a better understanding of what muscles it is, maybe when urinating at the time hold the power. This causes strain on certain groups of muscles. It is necessary to regularly strain to increased blood flow to the gland.

For starters, you can try to do 10 consecutive contractions. It is only at first glance seems simple. From the fact that the muscles are not trained, you may experience discomfort. It is necessary to take this rule and do the day 5 times 30 cuts, e.g. when washing, on the way home or to work. When exercises cease to cause discomfort, you can suddenly carry up to 100 pieces.

This is just one of the exercises that you must do with the aim of prevention of prostatitis in men. Offered to dr. Kegel. In addition, there are many other exercises that contribute to the inflow of blood into this organ.

For example, for the prevention of prostatitis can be carried out:

  • jumping;
  • squats;
  • broad mahi feet;
  • "for";
  • "the wheel".

Exercise it is possible to supplement walks. And that he should play more often. Men who walk, it is unlikely that they will suffer from prostatitis. The minimum "distance", which is to be held for the prevention of prostatitis — 4 km per day.

Than supplement exercise?


Primary prevention of prostatitis in men also includes other treatments, such as, for example, a contrast shower, focused on the area of the crotch. Such a procedure is perfectly increases blood flow to the gland. Calibration is carried out very simply. In the crotch is a directed stream of water from the showers and regularly changing its temperature: 30 seconds — warm, almost hot water, 15 seconds — cool, room temperature. The procedure should not take more than 5 minutes. Do it preferably before going to bed.

Prostate massage

Very useful for the prevention of prostatitis in men will massage the groin. Do it better lying down. Need to fumble small area between the anus and scrotum (closer to anus). Beneath the scrotum is located the pelvic bone. This is an area where it's over, and you have to put the effort in, but not exaggerated. Massage should not be done for 4-5 minutes, preferably in the evening, after a contrast shower before going to bed. These procedures provide a good blood flow to the prostate. And if it makes them constantly prostatitis can be avoided.

Standing sex life

An important role for men's health, and thus for the prevention of prostatitis, having sex. The frequency and nature of sexual life affect the condition of the prostate directly. But in the extreme to treat not: promiscuous sexual intercourse will become another source of infection. Negatively on the health of the prostate is manifested by longer abstinence, intentional postponement or interruption of intercourse. So it is the ideal choice for the prevention of prostatitis in men it is measured regular sex with a regular partner.

Proper nutrition

Reduces the likelihood of disease prostatitis and a healthy diet. If you avoid too caloric and spicy foods, vary the diet, then you will disease will be another "gap" to penetrate into the body. In the menu of each person must be present vegetables, fruits, pumpkin seeds, seafood, garlic, walnuts. Drinking alcoholic beverages (beer, mainly) should be minimized. It is not recommended, and excessive obsession with coffee. Apart from anything else it is necessary to avoid overcooling of the organism. Men are not worth it, bathe in cold water, or sit on the cold surface of the roadway.

Secondary prevention of prostatitis

But if the disease still cannot be avoided, then after recovery it is necessary to think about secondary prevention of prostatitis. It includes the following activities:

  1. Intake of drugs;
  2. Regular visits to the doctor-urologist regardless, they present clinical symptoms of the disease or not;
  3. Routine tests 1 time in 3 months (it is recommended in the first year after it was conducted comprehensive treatment). In the following 3 years, attending urologist should 1 times in six months;
  4. After 40 years of man should, without exception, do an ULTRASOUND of the prostate.

Prevention of chronic prostatitis any medications prescribed only by a doctor. Their intake should be done regularly. For the prevention of prostatitis are appointed by drugs that affect the metabolism of the prostate gland and correctors of urodynamics. When the inflammatory etiology of the disease are anti-inflammatory drugs, the effect of which selectively focused on the improvement of the condition, the exact prostate cancer. Intake of antiviral drugs warns prostatitis an infectious nature. If it is available in the history of the prostatitis bacterial nature patient is given antimicrobial substance. For the prevention of prostatitis appoint and Supplements. Stimulate blood flow to the prostate gland, preventing inflammation.

A special string, it is necessary to draw attention to prostate massage. It is not only a healing method but also the method of prevention of prostatitis. In its essence massage is a mechanical effect, is very similar with palpation of the prostate in the diagnosis. During the massage occurs irritation of nerve endings and blood vessels to widen. This leads to better blood circulation in the body, more intensive inflow of nutrients and oxygen. The ultimate result will be to accelerate the regenerative processes. Course of massage includes 8 to 10 treatments. They are held during the day. As a rule, already after 5 sessions observed positive results. Re the course will spend approximately 3 weeks after the completion of the first. Is it good to consolidate the result.

And one more important point: prostatitis — this is one of the most insidious and the most common diseases in men, and older and middle age category. So preventive measures to prevent the disease need not be put off for later. This is especially true for those men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, prone to stress and hypothermia.